Monday, March 21, 2016

Simple Low Cost Desk/Table

This is a modified version of the desk from the Ana White website. Keeping with my upcycled theme, this project was built from the top of an old desk. If you prefer, the top can be made from 2x12s. I’ve also included a quick video of the build along with a PDF version of the plans.

PC table design

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Laptop table (wheely desk) plans

These are the plans for my Laptop table

Horizontal parts of the legs:


Height adjustable laptop table (wheely desk)

This is a copy of the article I wrote for the March 2007 issue of Woodcraft MagazineI had originally written a Shorter article for my website. This article is on a refined version of the design that I built while writing the article for woodcraft magazine.
This table design is intended to allow for working in unusual seating positions. I originally came up with this concept when I wanted to work from remotely from my girlfriend's place in another city. I wanted a table that I could be set up to be ergonomic with any seating opportunity I could find. I also wanted to be able to wheel the table out of the way and into a spare room while not in use.